For income derived from property transfer, the remainder of the total amount of the income minus the net value of the property shall be the amount of income taxable; 转让财产所得,以收入全额减除财产净值后的余额为应纳税所得额;
Customer Lifetime Evaluation: Accumulative NPV Method and Its Application; The original value, accumulated depreciation and net value of fixed assets shall be itemized and shown separately in financial statement. 顾客生涯价值评估:累计净现值法及其应用拓展固定资产的原值、累计折旧和净值,应当在会计报表中分别列示。
Net value change and close period irrespective. 净值变化与封闭期没关系。
The original value, accumulated depreciation and net value of fixed assets shall be itemized and shown separately in financial statement. 固定资产的原值、累计折旧和净值,应当在会计报表中分别列示。
( finance) an account of the net value of a business at a specified date. (金融)在一个指定日期商业纯利润的户头。
At end of the lease term, the lessee is entitled to purchase the leased equipment at its remaining net value, and the title of the asset is thereafter transferred to the lessee. 租赁期结束时,承租方有权以剩余净值的价格购买租赁设备,资产权利此后转让给承租方。
Gross domestic investment-GDI: Outlays for additions to the fixed assets of the economy plus the net value of inventory changes. 国内投资总额(简写为GDI):一个国家增加的固定资产开支,加上存货变动的净值。
One person with knowledge of the assets estimated that when all the loans and taxes are paid off the estate's net value is around$ 100 million. 一位知情人士估计,付清所有的贷款和税项后,遗产的净值约为1亿美元。
If ffunds mmanager fails to submit net value document or the submitted net value document does not meet the RequirementsIs invalid, information release system of SZSE will not disclose the unit funds net value in the next day, but notwithout influencinged the normal fund trading. 若基金管理人未在规定时间内上传净值文件或上传的净值文件格式不符合要求,次日深交所行情发布系统将不揭示该基金份额净值,但基金的正常交易不受影响。
Net value of project approvals; 核可项目的净值;
If the net value of the extra information is greater than zero, then the information should be produced. 如果额外信息的净价值大于零,则信息应该提供。
Positive analysis shows that many factors affect the redeem of open funds, such as net value changes, dividends, the time since the forming of the funds, brand, the structure of investors, and so on. 实证分析表明,影响我国开放式基金赎回的因素是多方面的,包括基金净值变化、分红、基金成立时间的长短、品牌、投资者结构等。
To suspend the stock market value than the net value of the Fund accounts for a major fund unit will be a greater impact on the net. 暂停营业单位,主要的基金比基金的帐目净值的股票市值将成为网络上产生更大的影响。
An insurance company engaged in life insurance shall set aside a reserve for future claims equal to the total net value determined actuarially on the total life insurance policies in force. 人寿保险精算准备金经营有人寿保险业务的保险公司,应当按照有效的人寿保险单的全部净值提取未到期责任准备金。
Book value totals all the existing assets of the company, while net value deducts liabilities; intrinsic value is what a buyer might pay for the company. 账面价值为公司拥有的全部资产,账面净值要扣除公司的负债;内在价值是指买家购买公司时可能支付的价值。
Its net value began to have close relationship with the stock market. 它的净值就开始与股市有了密切的关系。
Does today's virtual capitalist not function in a homologous way: his "net value" at zero, he directly operates just with the surplus borrowing from the future. 今日的虚拟资本主义不正是以一种相似的方式在运作吗?它的“净价值”一无所值,它只是通过向未来支取的赢余进行运作。
Net value of fund accumulative total is to point to fund from the accrual since beginning. 基金累计净值是指基金从开始以来的收益。
After fund net value can arrive at fair numerical value or time, can you have the action that eliminates advantageous position like the stock? 基金净值会不会到达一定的数值或时间后,就会像股票一样有除权的动作呢?
Fewer words can increase the net value of what is said. 简洁的语言可以提升你说话的含金量。
Open fund is not time deposit, year of its accrual and net value are concerned. 开放基金不是定期存款,它的年收益与净值有关。
Due to pressure from the regulators, who are pushing the industry to set up a centralised clearing house for these contracts, there is at least some information available, such as the net value of credit derivatives outstanding on any company or bank. 由于监管机构对该行业施加压力,督促成立一家面向此类合约的中央结算机构,目前至少已可获悉一些信息,诸如各公司或银行未结清的信用衍生品净值。
To be fair, that should save some public money, though given the negative net value of the Kanebo rump, probably not much. 公正地说,这样做会节省一些公共资金,但考虑到嘉娜宝遗留的资产净值为负数,可能也节省不了多少。
Net Value of Fixed Assets: is obtained by deducting depreciation over years from the original value of fixed assets. 固定资产净值:是指固定资产原价减去历年已提折旧额后的净额。
Difference between the face value of a bond and the net value received by the bondholder, after deducting commission. 债券的面值与债券持有人实际收到的净值之间的差额。
Other keyword: the net value when buying, sell the net worth when going out, explain purchase cost, redemptive cost! 其它要害词:购买时的净值,卖出时的净值,申购费,赎回费!
By reviewing the abroad theoretical and empirical studies, this thesis comments the methods of evaluation the investment fund's performance and management ability depend on the increasing rate of funds 'net value. 首先对已有的国外进行的利用基金净值对基金的业绩和能力进行评价的各种理论和实证研究进行了回顾和述评;
Fund accumulative total net value is significant negative correlation with redemption rate. 基金累计净值与赎回率显著负相关;
It focuses on analysis the inflation to the internal rate of return, net value at present, income tax, and so on. 本文也分析了通货膨胀对投资项目的影响,分析了通货膨胀对内部收益率、净现值和项目所得税的影响。